Friday, 03 December 2021 By Angga Luthfi Eldrianto - President Director

PIP Semarang is warmly inviting Equinox Bahari Utama to participate in the Company Priority Award 2021 event from November 23-24 2021 in Surabaya. All companies that have worked with PIP Semarang were present at the event.

The objective of this event was to enhance the relationship between PIP Semarang and all shipping companies. Equinox and PIP Semarang have undoubtedly cooperated on sea and land apprenticeship programs for cadets for many years. Many of PIP Semarang graduates have also contributed to the Equinox Company.

The event began with a dinner attended by all the stakeholders. The event went off without a hitch and it was a lot of fun.

On the next day, the agenda was presentations that presented by the representative from Seacomm and INSA, company priority award, and opening discussion as the closing. During the discussion, some topics had been raised such as how to develop potential cooperative connections and the event discussed some issues such as graduates cadet who have difficulty finding a job after graduation, how to improve graduate quality, and effective methods of learning both theoretically on campus and when all cadets undergo internships in the company or vessel.

We appreciate PIP Semarang’s invitation, and it’s an honor for us to receive the company priority award. The event left a lasting impression on us especially for our future cooperation between PIP Semarang and Equinox to provide and develop competent and high-quality seafarers and maritime professionals.