Wednesday, 15 December 2021 By Angga Luthfi Eldrianto - President Director

The group discussion was being conducted to the 3rd semester, straight after the public lecture session in the morning on December 8th 2021. It was part of the pre-screening process of the apprentice selection process in order to screen the communication skill and the confidence level of each candidates proposed by @PIP Semarang.

The session was being divided into 3 groups – deck, engine and port shipping, in which each of the groups were being given different cases to be solved. Each group was being given opportunity to present their presentation in front of the other groups and others can ask questions or to give their comments or thoughts during the presentation. It was a very fun session as each apprentices were free to talk and to share their knowledge to the others.

For the apprentices who had shown their capability, communication and leadership skill during the group of discussion, they will be given opportunity to go into the next stage of the recruitment process. The next process are English competence and proficiency test, which will be conducted by EBU recruitment team.

We thanking all the apprentices for the participation and wishing all of them a success as a future officer!