Monday, 02 December 2019 By Angga Luthfi Eldrianto, Director of PT. Equinox Bahari Utama


As part of the contribution to the maritime industry, Anthony Veder and PT Equinox were visiting one of the nautical school at Jakarta, Indonesia, STIP on December 2nd and delivering a Public Lecture in front of 350 apprentices from deck and engine department, to share experiences and knowledge how to be a good and qualified future officer onboard. The public lecture was being attended by apprentices who had spent 1 year apprenticeship onboard and now doing their thesis back at school. The day was being opened by a formal ceremonial from STIP and with the Indonesian national anthem.

Alexander Spoelma, Crewing Manager of Anthony Veder, kicked off the day with Anthony Veder introduction as an integrated Shipowner and also with fleet information. The most interesting part of this part was when presenting Anthony Veder’s values which more or less in line with family’s values and why we are having so much attention on the lecture. Quality service, by means of we listen and give each other feedback, and responsibility, by means of sharing information, are 2 (two) of our values which being reflected on the intention of the day.

The goal of the Public Lecture was being presented by Angga Luthfi Eldrianto from PT Equinox, which focusing on the expectation of Anthony Veder, as a Shipping Company, towards the Junior Officer once graduates from the school. During the lecture, we also received positive feedbacks from the apprentices on the expectation from their end towards the Shipping Company. The theoretical part of the lecture was being presented by Chief Officer Ruly Samratulangi who sharing his experiences on his career since apprentice till the present moment as Chief Officer. He did emphasized all the apprentices to be pro-active in developing sense of responsibility, safety awareness and to always reading operating manual once onboard. We would like to thank STIP Jakarta with the invitation and opportunity given to deliver the Public Lecture and hoping all the best for all the apprentices, as future officer, in completing their thesis, and be back onboard next year